Creativity, Discovery, and Research
in the Library:
Supporting "Screwing Around"

Transforming Libraries, Transforming Research
27 June 2014

Anna-Sophia Zingarelli-Sweet


  • research and the MLIS student
  • "The Hermeneutics of Screwing Around"
  • three ways to reintroduce curiosity and creativity:
    • conceptualize browsing
    • build serendipity into research methods
    • support robust collaboration

research and the MLIS student

research methods required 
in about half of MLIS programs (Park 2003)

we enter the field with a feeling 
that research is overwhelming 
and that we have little to offer researchers 
except a list of databases and search tips

digital scholarship

"use of digital evidence and method, 
digital authoring, 
digital curation and preservation, 
and digital use and reuse of scholarship" 

(Smith Rumsey 2011)

digital knowledge


Stephen Ramsay

that much information...
exceeds our ability to create reliable guides to it.

two ways to handle information overload:



we think of the computer as a device
that has revolutionized search...

could we imagine a world in which
"Here is an ordered list of the books you should read"
gives way to
"Here is what I found. What did you find?"

digital reading

Nina Clements,

physical browsing takes time

students still crave a tactile approach

Is the digital necessarily opposed
to the tactile, to browsing, and to slowing down?

If "the medium is the message"
then it matters how we conceptualize 
and deploy digital media.

Anne Mangen

Journal of Research in Reading 31:4 (2008)
doi 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2008.00380.x

Columbia University Libraries


Feminist Scholars Digital Workshop

thank you!

Anna-Sophia Zingarelli-Sweet


Creativity, Discovery, and Research in the Library

By Anna-Sophia Zingarelli-Sweet

Creativity, Discovery, and Research in the Library

  • 1,316