WDIM387 Week  6

Intro to Angular

Dan Muzyka


Late Policy Amendment

I've been giving a lot of thought to the grades for the class. Originally, I indicated on the syllabus that late work would not be accepted.

In the interest of fairness to the students who turned in the work on time, I was inclined to stick with that policy. However, the most important thing is that people in the class learn and grow. For that reason, I've decided to amend the late policy.

Late Policy Amendment

I will accept late work from the first half of the term (homework and presentations) as late as class next week (August 22). However, all late work will be graded as if it were turned in on time, and then divided in half. So the highest possible score on late work will be 50% of the original maximum.

Late Policy Amendment

That will give people a chance to recoup a few points, but will not give them an advantage over people who turned in the work on time. Everyone who turned in work on time got at least 50% on each assignment submitted on time. The vast majority of people got well over 50% on each submitted assignment. So, people who submitted on time received significantly better scores than anyone who submits late. I think this approach is still fair to the people who turned in their work on time.

Late Policy Amendment

If you do not submit a missing homework by 6 pm PDT on August 22, 2013, or if you do not present your midterm during class on August 22, 2013, you will continue to have a zero for the missing assignment, and this cannot be changed.

Let me know if you have questions, or if you are not sure whether or not you are missing one or more assignments.

Late Policy Amendment

In addition, homework 3 will be due on August 22, 2013, 6 pm PDT. However, I will still award partial credit for it up to one week late, meaning that if you submit between that August 22, 2013, 6 pm PDT, and August 29, 2013, 6 pm PDT, I may give you partial credit (the score you would have received, divided by 2). However, if you submit it later than August 29, 2013, 6 pm PDT, you will not receive credit.

No other work in this class (e.g., final project, participation points) will be accepted past the original deadline.

One-on-One Conferences

Some of you want to meet with me to discuss your grade so far in this class. Let me know if you would like to be added to the list. I will meet with each person out in the hall.

Getting Started with Angular

Complete steps 0-4 of the tutorial at http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial . Be sure to try the experiments suggested at the end of each step, and then try your own experiments with modifying the code. Please be creative! You are invited to present your experiments to the class at the end of the lab time.

Extra Credit Assignment

Extra Credit: An extra credit assignment is now available. You can earn a maximum of 10 points toward your final grade. The extra credit is due by the beginning of class on week 9 (September 5, 2013, 6 pm PDT). Late submissions of the extra credit will not be accepted. Period.

Extra Credit Assignment

  • You may earn points for each of the following that you use in your library. You must identify each of these with comments in your code to receive credit for them.
    • Closure: 1 point
    • Callback function: 1 point
    • Using && or || to assign a non-boolean value to a variable: 1 point
    • Constructor function (must be self-invoking): 1 point

Extra Credit Assignment

    • Adding methods on a prototype: 1 point
    • Setting up two or more levels in the prototype chain (prototypes inherited from the language itself do not count): 1 point
    • Accessing the DOM (without jQuery): 1 point
    • Manipulating the DOM (without jQuery): 1 point
    • Handles events (without jQuery): 1 point
    • Makes an AJAX request (without jQuery): 1 point

For Next Week

WDIM387 Week  6 Intro to Angular

By danmuzyka

WDIM387 Week  6 Intro to Angular

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