

Web Dev is ...



Browser wars happened...

Along came V8...

We got crazy fast VMs

Processing HTML, CSS, JavaScript

We are in exciting times!

Anything you can imagine - in a browser!

Javascript is happening!

 "JavaScript is the Assembly Language of the Web"
- Scott Hanselman

Javascript is here to stay

on the Web Client, Server, Desktop, Mobile, Wearable

// todo

Things I wished someone told me 
5 years ago about Web Development 
(and Programming in General)

Become a text editor Ninja.

(VIM, Emacs, or even Sublime Text)

Learn how to type (fast)

"We are typists first, programmers second"
- Jeff Atwood

Master the terminal

(Not the Windows one)

Don't be a purist/specialist

(Specialisation is for the Insects)

Contribute to Open-Source

(Having a Github account helps)

Master an open-source stack

(Ruby, Python, Java, Javascript, etc. & SCM)

Hone your BS Meter!

(Read Stuff, Question Everything, 
and Advice is useless more often than not)

Build your profile

(Projects, Blogs, Contributions)

There's no such thing 

as a genius programmer.

Build Stuff!

(Do net let your job dictate who you are)
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