HTML5 applications that run (almost) forever

Twitter: @jeremypullen


Aaron Gascoigne

Paritosh Vemparala

Nandan Jain

Steve Nissen

Many embedded devices have HTML5 at their core!

Where's the HTML5?

On the TV!

This is all HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

Many mobile apps are also hybrid native / HTML5.

How Often Should Apps Crash?

Never: Uptime of 30+ days

Expected to be self-healing (auto-restart on failure)

Unique things about hybrid HTML5 environments

HTML & JS hosted locally on device

Native plug-ins for many operations

Network operations relegated to background

Web engine built into the app / device (typically WebKit)

More control

Able to customize

Core hardening practices haven't changed

Robust & mature test strategy

Targeting 1,000,000+ devices

Failure not an option

Other areas can also benefit

Web sites

Mobile apps

The question isn't whether or not you need to harden your site / apps...

It's "How much hardening do you need?"


Practices - foreign to most web developers

Platforms - maturing but not quite there yet

Libraries - completely clueless

Tools - focused on spot debugging

To harden you must test

A robust test discipline is critical.

Types of testing

“Long term stability” testing

“Stress” testing

“Soak” testing

What are we trying to find?

1 in 10,000 scenarios

Performance degradation (Inconsistency, Sluggishness)

Abnormal behavior

Unhandled exceptions

Data handling

Lost functionality

Reboots / browser resets

Corrupt state

Test discipline

Ensure clean environment before each test

Reset cookies and local storage

Restart browser and device

Test result database: By device, By build

Statistics matter for performance measurements

7+ samples (min, max, mean)

Comparable data sets

Comparable run-time environments

Comparable server-side environment

Comparable network environment

Long-term stability testing

Purpose: Simulate normal usage over an extended period of time over a large number of instances

# of units: as many as possible (50+ units)

Methodology: Normal usage scenarios run continuously over a period of 1-2 days

Target: No noticeable degradation

Stress testing

Purpose: Simulate a long run-time by accelerating the usage time

# of units: as many as possible (50+)

Methodology: Automated scripts with a key/click rate as fast as possible --> 1 day test can simulate 15-30 days of usage

Target: No noticeable degradation

Soak testing

Purpose: Find latent bugs that only show up over days or weeks

# of units: small(er) number (10-20)

Methodology: Well-defined set of tests run once or twice a day for as many days as possible

Target: 30 days uptime with no degradation in functionality or performance


Test environments

Test automation tools

Know your browser

Brute-force debugging techniques

Test environments

Racks of physical hardware

Amazon AWS

Multiple browser instances

Test automation tools


IR blasters

Help me out - what do you use?

Know your web engine tools

WebKit Web Inspector

Chrome Debugger

GC collector stats

Memory stats

DOM tree stats


Console logs


Challenge: Figure out how to automate data collection across large # of instances!

Test your web engine memory behavior

Garbage collector memory pressure

Hard upper limit? GC bogs down

No upper limit? Unexpected memory growth

Cache memory pressure

Graphics cache

Strategies for handling JavaScript bugs

Fix them (duh) - Brute force

You’ll miss some bugs (duh) - Resilient application architecture(s)

Typical JavaScript bugs

DOM leaks

Timer storms

Dangling callbacks


Beware of your libraries!

Timer storm example

Brute force debugging techniques

DOM leaks - Walk DOM tree, dump # to console

Timer storms - Wrap all timer calls with helpers you can instrument later

Dangling callbacks - Wrapper for all callbacks

Exceptions - window.onerror(), automatic iframe reset

Resilient Application Architecture

Break large apps (50K lines of code) into a number of small micro-apps

Run each micro app only when needed

Pick a sandboxing architecture (native, HTML5)

Resilient Native Application Architecture

Native Platform Application Management

Separate web context with web intents for communication

Automatically kills an app that is misbehaving

CPU hog

Memory hog

Automatically restart an app that is mission-critical

App prioritization


Process separation

Storage separation (cookies, IndexDB, web storage)

Native Platform Application Management – Limitations

Not always available

No help for problems in big apps (173K lines of JavaScript)

Resilient HTML5 Application Architecture

iframe sandbox overview

HTML5 Rocks!

Designed to protect you from others...but why not from yourself?

Negligible memory impact (Chrome about:memory)

Also used for secure data sandboxing: Devdatta Akhawe

Pattern #1: iframe bootstrap

Okay to restart whole app

Native app framework does not support automatic restart

Pattern #1: iframe bootstrap

Small amount of management code in root page

Whole app wrapped in iframe

Delete / re-create iframe on a schedule (daily), during idle time, or when app misbehavior detected

iFrame bootstrap example  

  function createFrame()
      var f = document.createElement("iframe"); = "myapp"; = "myapp";
      f.sandbox = "allow-scripts allow-forms allow-same-origin";
      f.src = "myapp.html";
      var d = document.getElementById("app-div");
  function removeFrame(frame)
      var node = document.getElementById(frame);
</script><div id="app-div"></div>

Pattern #2: Multiple iframe sandboxes

Not okay to restart whole app

Very large apps

High data / network usage on start-up

More resilient user experience

Seamless recovery from bugs with only minor user disruption

More complex

More restrictions

Pattern #2: Multiple iframe sandboxes

Core management logic in root page

Segment different parts of your app into "micro-apps"

Each micro-app wrapped in iframe

Communication between root page and micro-apps via postMessage()

Most micro-apps started / stopped on-demand

Some micro-apps run longer – restart when misbehavior detected

Pattern #2: Multiple iframe sandboxes - limitations

Duplicate files loaded into each iframe

Extra work to proxy communication across iframe boundaries

PureMVC iFrameMediator

With a little work your libraries can be iframe sandbox friendly!

PureMVC Example

Credits: Aaron Gascoigne

iframe example: basic usage


Test the heck out of your apps

Watch out for the key bugs

Break large apps into micro-apps

Manage app / micro-app lifetime

Use native app sandboxes and/or iframe sandboxes

Modify your frameworks to be iframe sandbox friendly

Q & A

Code on GitHub

Writing HTML5 Apps That Run (almost) Forever

By Jeremy Pullen

Writing HTML5 Apps That Run (almost) Forever

  • 2,101