recent progress

  1. Automated Testing
  2. Remote Monitoring
  3. SEO and URL options
  4. Skookum project team

Automated testing

  • Real webkit/gecko engine
  • Works on Windows
  • Designed for node.js

  1. Sandboxes for Angular components
  2. Golden Path integration tests
  3. Tests for UI feature groups
  4. Unit tests for API endpoints

Test development needs to be a focus / have dedicated time.
Testing framework is good - now it needs coverage!


Can be used as both a human test / development platform and an automated test platform with Casper.


golden path integration tests

feature group tests

unit tests for api endpoints

The API is just passthrough right now.
It shouldn't remain this way - we should marshall and transform the API data into ideal formats for the client.

To ensure that we're delivering what the client expects, we'll need to develop superagent-based tests for the transformed API.

MONITORING (cloud-based monitoring & profiling)
nodetime_enabled: true 
Graphite (time-series graphing)
statsd_enabled: true 

SEO and URL options

This is a conversation we'll need to start soon - URL schemes, vanity URLs, SEO goals, etc. Some options regarding SEO:

  1. ViewModels / hashbang
  2. Server-side rendering for search crawlers
  3. Load model data from server-side templates

Each has tradeoffs. Now that the two most complex pages - browse and guide - both have a V1, we should figure out how we want to expose them to search engines.

skookum project team

Dustan Kasten, Mark Flowers, Assaf Weinberg
JavaScript, HTML5/CSS3, UX experts.
Lots of firepower - got to aim it.

  1. Start with edits - IE8 fixes, optimizations, issues
  2. Move to concrete, well-defined projects
  3. Assume high technical expertise, low DTV mindshare


By hunterloftis


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