A Quick Intro to TDD

With Node.js and Mocha

Victor Aponte
Front-end Dev @ Wells Fargo
gh: FunnyDewd

Why I test...

Then, one day...



(Test Dat! Dammit!)



(Blame Dat Developer)

but seriously...

Many types of Testing

Unit Testing

(This is where TDD/BDD usually comes in.)

Integration testing


  • Component Integration
  • Systems Integration
  • Stress Testing (load testing)
  • Quality Assurance Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing
  • ... and many more ...

Unit Testing Styles:

  • TDD - Test Driven Development
  • BDD* - Behavior Driven Development

*BDD can be used to drive integration tests also.

BDD Style:

 describe("User Registration", function() {   describe("While validating the registration info", function() {     it("should make sure the email address is valid", function() {       // assert that email is valid     });     it("should verify the email doesn't already exist", function() {       // assert that email doesn't exist     }); ...   });   describe("While creating the user's database record", function() {     it("should save successfully in the database", function() {       // assert the database record was saved     }); ...   }); });

BDD Is Narrative

Describe User Registration
  While validating the registration info
   - it should make sure the email address is valid
   - it should verify the email doesn't already exist
  While creating the user's database record
   - it should save successfully in the database

Many people use these test cases as documentation.

Ok, but what kind of tests should I write??

What you should be testing:

  • Input/Output
  • Error Handling
  • Modules/Functions
  • State changes
  • Constructors
  • API Usage
  • Memory Leaks
  • Performance

What you shouldn't be testing:

  • Third party libraries/frameworks (like mongoose)
  • Remote services (like twitter, github api)
  • External services (mongodb, SSH)
  • Other libraries and modules you write yourself

Remember: These should be done during integration testing.

TDD/BDD Workflow


  • Test runner originally built for node.js
  • Supports TDD & BDD styles (+ others)
  • Does not come with an assertion library
  • Supports synchronous & asynchronous tests
  • Global variable leak detection
  • Displays slow tests
  • Built-in file watcher
  • Drop-in support for continuous integration servers

Installing Mocha on Node:

npm install mocha -g
the -g flag is to install mocha as a global node module

Setting up the test runner (optional):

> cd my-node-project> mkdir test> mocha init
this sets up the HTML test runner files for front end testing

Node Trick:

To run a "local" install of mocha:

 > ./node_modules/.bin/mocha

Node modules that have an executable get a link to that command in the node_modules/.bin directory.

Writing your first mocha test:

var assert = require('assert'); // built-in node lib
describe("My Mocha Smoke test", function() { it("should add 2 numbers", function() { assert.equal(2 + 2, 4, "2 + 2 = 4, dang it!"); });});
  • the describe() block is used to group individual specs, at least one describe block is required
  • the it() block sets up the code for a single test (spec)
  • the assert module contains a series of matchers which perform the comparison

Node JS Assertion Docs: http://nodejs.org/api/assert.html

Running your tests:

 > mocha
which returns:

  1 passing (3ms)
you can switch the reporter with:
 > mocha --reporter spec

which gives you:
  My Mocha Smoke test
     should add 2 numbers

  1 passing (4ms)

Running tests continuously:

 > mocha -w
the -w flag tells Mocha to watch the file system and reruns the tests when a file changes

Getting Help:

 > mocha -h

The mocha.opts file:

The mocha.opts file (located in the test/ directory) lets you customize your default experience. All your command-line switches go there:

Here's a sample:
--watch--color--reporter spec--growl--timeout 5000--slow 1000--recursive

Mocha BDD methods:

  • describe('description of test group', function(){// code})
  • it('description of test spec', function(){//code})
  • before(function(){ // code })
  • beforeEach(function(){ // code })
  • afterEach(function(){ // code })
  • after(function(){ // code })

Setup & Teardown:

  • use before() & beforeEach() to run code before all tests in the describe() block and each test, respectively
  • use afterEach() and after() to run code after each test and all tests, respectively.
  • The flow is:  before() -> beforeEach() -> it() -> afterEach() -> after() 

Controlling test execution:

Both the .describe() and .it() can use one of the following to control how tests run:

  • .skip - tells mocha to skip this particular block
  • .only - causes mocha to run the individual block and skips all others

 var assert = require('assert'); // built-in node lib

describe("My Mocha Smoke test", function() {
  it("should add 2 numbers", function() {
    assert.equal(2 + 2, 4, "2 + 2 = 4, dang it!");

  it.only("should subtract 2 numbers", function(){
    assert.equal(2 - 2, 0, "2 - 2 = 0, thanks");
only the second spec runs

Asynch tests in mocha

Mocha provides a done callback function that lets it know when an asych test is complete:

it("should wait 1 second before finishing", function(done){
    // la dee dah! We can do something here I guess.
    assert.ok(true, "I love mocha in the morning");
    // ok, we're done, let mocha know.
  }, 1000);



Stay testing my friends!

Node TDD for Beginners

By funnydewd

Node TDD for Beginners

Short presentation for getting started on TDD with node.js and mocha.

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