AngularJS Testing using Jasmine


Developer @HPSoftware

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AngularJS was designed from ground up to be testable


  • Jasmine

  • AngularJS



Partial list

  •  Verify code correctness
  •  Fast feedback
  •  Assure build quality
  •  Provide documentation for the source code
  •  Uncovering bugs early


Dozens of frameworks

Hello Jasmine

Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing your JavaScript code.

Jasmine is built in JavaScript and must be included into a JS environment, such as a web page, in order to run .

It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. 

It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.

Maintained by Pivotal Labs on Github


describe() {    beforeEach()    afterEach()    it() {        expect().matcher()    }}


Suites describe the component under test

Specs describe what each function tests

Nested suites are supported

describe("Distance Converter", function() {
it("converts inches to centimeters", function(){ expect(Convert(12, "in").to("cm")).toEqual(30.48); });})

SUITES and specs

Running selected specs can be done with iit

Disabling selected specs can be done with xit

Running selected suites can be done with ddescribe

Disabling selected specs can be done with xdescribe

iit has higher priority over ddescribe

Don’t forget to fail the build if everything is ignored by mistake (iit, ddescribe)

EXPECTATIONS and matchers


Expectations are built with the function expect which takes a value, called the actual. It is chained with a matcher function, which takes the expected value.


Each matcher implements a boolean comparison between the actual value and the expected value

a = true;expect(a).toBe(true);

Built-in matchers

Jasmine provides a set of built in matchers :

  • toEqual
  • toMatch
  • toBeTruthy
  • toThrow
  • ...

See fiddle


CUSTOM matchers

Write expressive custom matchers to fit your needs.

Add them to your suite using addMatchers .

Matchers can be added globally when added in

a beforeEach function outside the scope of a suite

See fiddle

beforeEach(function() {    this.addMatchers({        toBeLessThan: function(expected) {            return this.actual < expected;        }    });})


Jasmine integrates spies that permit many spying, mocking, and faking behaviors. 

A 'spy' replaces the function it is spying on .

Jasmine spies allow you to test if functions have been called, and to inspect the arguments they were called with. 

spy creation


spy usage guidelines

Use spyOn for already existing objects which you need to spy on a specific method, e.g. console.log

Use createSpy for functions called by the code under test with no return value, usually callbacks

Use createSpyObj for interactions of code under test with dependencies, usually other classes

See fiddle

spy training

Now that you’ve created spy functions you can train them to do neat tricks

Asynchronous specs

Jasmine supports running specs that require testing asynchronous operations .

Using the commands waits , waitsFor and runs the test can wait for an async condition to be met and run verifications afterwards

asynchronous specs

waits allows you to pause the spec for a fixed period of time

waitsFor takes a latch function, a failure message, and a timeout.

The latch function polls until it returns true or the timeout expires, whichever comes first. If the timeout expires, the spec fails with the error message.

Once the asynchronous conditions have been met, another runs block defines final test behavior. This is usually expectations based on state after the asynch call returns.

asynchronous specs

waits , waitsFor and runs functions are non-blocking.

The runs function callback is executed only after waits and waitsFor complete successfully

See fiddle

mocking the clock

The Jasmine Mock Clock is available for test suites that need the ability to use setTimeout or setInterval callbacks. 

It makes the timer callbacks synchronous, thus making them easier to test.

See fiddle

MATCHING anything

jasmine.any takes a constructor or “class” name as an expected value.

It returns true if the constructor matches the constructor of the actual value.

See fiddle


Exercise - /

Solution -

AngularJS Testing


AngularJS was written with testing in mind “so there is no excuse for not testing

This MVW framework's separation of concerns aids with unit testing

On top of that you get  dependency injection which paves the way for using spies

angular mocks

Angular mocks is a collection of test helpers provided by AngularJS team, available on Github


The angular.mock.module function  registers  module 
configuration code

It collects the configuration  information which will be used when the injector is created 
by  inject .

The function a llows for mocking out the dependencies of the 
class under test using  $provide

Published  on window for easy  access


The i nject function wraps a function into an injectable function
The inject() call creates new instance of  $injector  per test, which is  then used for resolving references

The function c an be called throughout test execution

Once   inject  is called further module registration is  denied

See fiddle


$ httpBackend provides a f ake HTTP backend implementation 

suitable for unit testing applications that use the $http service

  • Avoid XHR or JSONP requests to the real server
  • Use hard coded responses
  • Control when the response is returned by calling flush

This feature is implemented by Injecting a mock $ httpBackend  implementation  to the $http service

See fiddle

additional helpers


Configures the mock implementation $exceptionHandler to rethrow or log errors


Mock implementation of $log that gathers all logged messages in arrays (one array per logging level)

additional helpers

simple decorator for  $timeout service that  adds a "flush" and " verifyNoPendingTasks " methods

See  fiddle

mock injection

Angular elements such as controllers receive a list of dependencies injected by providers.

Angular modules configuration code must be initialized for tests by calling


This call collects the configuration information which will be used when the injector is created

It does not initialize the module injectors.

mock injection

After  configuring the module dependencies as above you can  use  $provide  to return stub implementation for selected dependencies

Only on the first call to 

inject(angular-component )

the application "bootstrap" takes place since the html is not loaded and there's no ng-app

mock injection

Declaring substitute implementations for DI with $provide in tests must be done before any inject calls since calling inject initializes all injectors and then it is forbidden to add/define new modules.

Since the real modules are loaded by the browser, when injecting a component it will use the real dependencies. This is not desirable for a unit test since the unit's isolation is broken. You must make sure that mock dependencies are used


The documentation for testing promises is hidden inside the $q  page

The trick is that you have to call scope.$apply () for promise resolution.

See fiddle


Filters are instantiated with Angular’s $filter service

Additionally   filter functions are registered with the $injector under the filter name suffixed with 'Filter '.

Predefined and custom filters can be injected using the syntax  filterName Filter

See fiddle


Controllers are instantiated with Angular’s $controller service

This allows injecting dependencies during creation.

Since the controller’s interface is its scope it is the main test subject.

See fiddle


Services must be injected into the test, there is no $service match for $controller

Injecting service dependencies requires replacing the original values used by Angular’s $inject service with mock ones

Use $provide for registering new providers

See fiddle

service providers

When you want to test the internal functions of a service provider you need to inject it to a configuration block of another Angular test module you create in the test code itself

Note that you still need to inject something for the module “bootstrap”

See fiddle


Tests compile directives using  $compile .

During test execution we compile given DOM structure and use jQuery to test whether the component works as expected.

Note , that DOM structure should not be appended to the document. That makes the tests faster, because browser does not have to render it. So unless it’s necessary ( eg . you need to know some computed property of some DOM element), don’t attach nodes to the document .

directive preprocessing

Directive templates can be inlined in the html or written in an external file which is fetched from the server

In order to avoid fetching an external template you should pre-load the template into  $ templateCache before the test starts

An example implementation is Karma's  html2js preprocessor which  defines a module with the name of the html file and adds it to the  $ templateCache


See fiddle


test runners

Jasmine is built in JavaScript and must be included into a JS environment, such as a web page, in order to run

Karma is a test runner with built in adapters to commonly used JS unit testing FWs such as Jasmine, QUnit , Mocha and more.

karma features

  • Execute tests on every save by watching source files
  • Smooth Jenkins integration thru grunt plugins singleRun mode
  • Built in JUnit reporter
  • Built in coverage reporter (Istanbul)
  • Allows testing  source files with RequireJS dependencies
  • Runs test suites simultaneously on different browsers, checking code validity on different JS engines

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