Testable Javascript

David Aguilar
OC Dev
June 19, 2014

Who Am I?

David Aguilar

Application Architect
The Boeing Company

Desktop | Web | Mobile

Why Test?

  • Multiple Operating Systems
  • Multiple Versions of Operating Systems
  • Multiple Browsers
  • Multiple Versions of Browsers

Testing JavaScript is complicated.

Our best shot at taming this complexity is to take full control of what we actually do control: the code.

What is Testable Code?

  • Code that is easy to test :)
  • Less complex code
  • Fully commented
  • Loosely coupled

Testable JavaScript is your gateway to sanity!


Complex = Bad; Simple = Good; 

Maintainable JavaScript is clear, consistent,
and standards-based.

Testable JavaScript is loosely coupled,
short, and isolatable.

The magic happens when your code is both
maintainable and testable.


While JSLint does not measure complexity directly,
it does force you to know what your code is doing. 


Shoutout to: JavaScript: The Good Parts which provides detail on "good" vs. "bad" JavaScript syntactic constructs.


The best way to reduce code size is to decrease
the amount of code you write.

Using a good JavaScript framework is an absolute
must in almost every circumstance.

  • jQuery
  • Closure
  • YUI
  • etc.

Unit Tests

Use a framework!

In the following examples, we will be using YUI Test.

There are other Unit Test Frameworks out there...

Your First Unit Test

Simple Function

 function sum(a, b) {
    return a + b;



  • A new Y.Test.Case is created
  • Its given a name and set of test functions
  • Each function is run in turn with the assumption
    that one or more Y.Assert functions are called
    to actually test something
  • The test case is loaded into the local
    Y.Test.Runner and then all tests are executed

Mock Objects

Actual Production Code
function buyNowClicked(event) {
    hub.fire('addToShoppingCart', { item: event.target.id });

Y.one('#products').delegate('click', buyNowClicked, '.buy-now-button');
Test Code
 testAddToShoppingCart: function() {
    var hub = Y.Mock();
          method: "fire"
          , args: [ "addToShoppingCart" , Y.Mock.Value.String]


  • This code tests the flow of a Buy Now button
    (an element that contains the
    buy-now-button CSS class)
  • When that button is clicked, the
    addToShoppingCart event is expected to be
    fired with a string parameter
  • The event hub is mocked out and the fire
    method is expected to be called with a
    single string parameter


Actual Production Code
function addToShoppingCart(item) {
    if (item.inStock()) {
        return item;
    } else {
        return null;


Test Code
 testAddOk: function() {
    var shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart()
    , item = { inStock: function() { return true; } }
    , back = shoppingCart.addToShoppingCart(item)

    Y.Assert.areSame(back, item, "Item not returned");
    Y.ArrayAssert.contains(item, "Item not pushed into cart!");
, testAddNok: function() {
    var shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart()
        , item = { inStock: function() { return false; } }
        , back = shoppingCart.addToShoppingCart(item)

    Y.Assert.isNull(back, "Item returned is not null");
    Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(shoppingCart.cart, "Cart not empty!");

Asynchronous Testing

Test Code
testAsync: function () {
    var test = this, myButton = Y.one('#button');
    myButton.on('click', function() {
         this.resume(function() {
              Y.Assert.isTrue(true, 'You sunk my battleship!');

Great for code that has alot of CSS manipulation in response to events.

Running Tests

How do we automate all these Unit Tests?

  • PhantomJS - headless WebKit browser that
    can be accessed programmatically
  • Selenium - web browser automation tool
    (also works for mobile)


If you don't by now, get familiar with your browsers debugging tools.

  • Chrome - Developer Tools
  • Firefox - Firebug
  • Safari - Web Inspector
  • Internet Explorer (8+) - F12 Developer Tools

Also, know what your user-base is using!


Chrome Developer Tools


Mobile Debugging

Safari Web Inspector


Adobe Edge Inspect

  1. Edge Inspect CC
  2. Edge Inspect Chrome Plugin
  3. Device(s)



  • Testable JavaScript by Mark Ethan Trostler (O’Reilly).
    Copyright 2013 ZZO Associates, 978-1-449-32339-4.

  • Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford (O'Reilly).
    Copyright 2008 O'Reilly Media, 978-0596517748.

Thank You!

David Aguilar

Testable Javascript

By dcfusion

Testable Javascript

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