
Boydlee Pollentine / Accenture

Bangalore, India

Consists of three sections:

1) Appcelerator Sync Module

2) SyncAdapter.js (a wrapper for that sync module)

3) syncConfig.js (stores the connection information & model definitions for the sync module)

The Different Sync Processes

1) A full sync, including all pull & push models and picklists (this executes from login),

2) A partial sync, excluding picklists (this executes from the home-screen sync button)


Consists of the connection information, server address, database name and configuration data required by the Sync Module.

Models array holds the list of tables to sync, along with the filter type (i.e. 'pull', 'picklist') and query name as defined by CRM.

Important Things to Understand

1) The order of the models in syncConfig.js is the order they get processed in. This means you can not attempt to sync, e.g., annotations before the application record has been synced.

2) All model names, filters, query names, ID attributes etc... are 
case sensitive

3) When syncing files, "externalFileLinks"  is the object that defines the filename, folder it's in, and column to hold the Base64 representation of that file...

"filename": {
      "mapsTo": "documentbody",
      "folder": ""   } 


By boydlee


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