Front-end Frameworks

Front-end Development

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS

What purpose?

Create design elements, small pieces to build an awesome global design.

Make the website more user friendly.

Front-end development

On each project you have (more or less):
  • navigation
  • breadcrumbs
  • pagination
  • accordions
  • buttons
  • forms
  • blabla blablaw ...

More: You use a grid yhea!?

Front-end Development

Don't rebuild the wheel each time!

DRY must be your guide line

Adopt useful  and tested code, VALID code.

A style guide is also a prerogative.

Front-end framework

  • Grids
  • Framworks
  • UI elements
  • Libraries
  • Bootstrap

Many names, always the same idea...




What is a front-end framework?

Small pieces of reusable design elements, tested and improved. 
Made of HTML, CSS and JavaScripts.

Some frameworks are also a guide to help you to design your code with OOCSS, SMACSS and other modular concepts.

What is a front-end framework?

  • reset.css / normalise.css
  • common UI elements
  • basic form styling
  • basic JavaScripts feature plugins
  • design of code approach

There are some frameworks who provides a complete bunch of UI elements, you can literally make an entire project with that.

WHY do we need superpowers?

Common UX patterns and style guide
Cross-browser compatibility
Mobile first approach
Rapid prototyping
Tested code

You don't start from nothing.

Save time, save money!

Who're in charges?

Foundation (by Zurb) - MIT licence

Boostrap (by twitter) - Apache licence

Inuit CSS (by Harry Roberts) - Apache licence

Same basic elements,

but different styles

Grid systems
Forms, buttons, tables
Modal windows, sliders
Navigation: tabs, nav bars, breadcrumbs
Alert boxes, labels, tooltips
Typography, icons, lists
Customizable using SASS/LESS


Mobile first approach
Semantic code and markup
Fast and stable JavaScripts plugins
(jQuery & Zepto)

Flexible grids (medium support)

No bloated code, use just what you need

Developed in SASS

Twitter Bootstrap

Now mobile first approach
Developed in LESS CSS
A lot of components available
Many JavaScripts feature plugins
Flexible grids system

Inuit CSS

SASS based
Object Oriented Framework
Full objects and abstractions
Use BEM-style naming convention
No JavaScripts component just SCSS files

Style guide and code design base.

How does it work?

(the easy way)

Just copy and paste...

How does it work?

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn">Sign in</button>

Gives this:

How does it work?

(the right way)

Using SASS mixins



/* @imports ... */
/* Using the default styles */ .your-class-name { @include button; }

Gives this:

it's like magic


Thank you!

Front-end Frameworks

By Ben

Front-end Frameworks

This is a small and simple presentation of front-end frameworks in general. We see general concepts, and how to use them in different ways.

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