
Andy Lindemann  •  @andymensional


Bad performance drives visitors away

As web apps replace the classic desktop
the user experience should be desktop-like


How to test

Speed test using 
console.time(name)  and  console.timeEnd(name)

or websites like jsperf.com

Profiling using 
console.profile(name)  and  console.profileEnd(name)

or Developer Tools profiling tab

Using the Developer Tools timeline can also be useful

Speed test example


var fibo = [0,1], index = 0;
while(++index < 100000){
 fibo.push(fibo[index] + fibo[index-1]); 




Working with the DOM

Javascript works in another "box" than the DOM
→ communication is expensive

Avoid or minimize DOM manipulation whenever possible!

... but if you really have to

Work nicely with the DOM

Minimize DOM traversals by assigning frequently used nodes to variables (comparison)

When adding complex or nested content, build complete node in js, add to DOM once after everything is done.

Change the whole CSS class of an object at once instead of single style attributes.

Keep in mind that reflow takes its toll.

Basic rules

Mind the scoping chain.

Declare variables and functions where you need them 
to avoid scope traversal.

Declare local references for frequently used objects 

or their fields and functions.

jsperf link tbd

Basic rules

Stay type-save.

Set the type of your variables on initialization.

Use explicit type casting like toString() or parseInt() 
for better performance and easier debugging.

jsperf link tbd as well

Basic rules

Always test, benchmark and use your brain.

Javascript evolves very fast
so don't trust any tips and tricks blindly.

Thank you for listening

If you have any questions, ask me.

I'll try to answer them
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