
Install pre-built packages using pip

A lightning talk by Aden Grue

pip is awesome

  • Install packages automatically from PyPI
  • Install dependencies
  • Freeze dependencies (requirements.txt)
  • Upgrade packages
  • Uninstall packages

    pip install

    Many ways to install from source distributions
     $ pip install pyzmq
     $ pip install git://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq.git
     $ pip install ./pyzmq
     $ pip install --no-index --find-links:/local/dir/ pyzmq

    Is there anything it can't do??

    Install from eggs!

    Why not?



    Because "newegg" was taken

    • New binary (or "built") distribution format
    • Better than egg
    • Starting with 1.4, pip will install them!

    pip install --use-wheel

     $ pip install -U pip ... $ pip install --use-wheel pyzmq

    pip wheel

     $ pip install wheel
     $ mkdir ~/.wheelhouse
     $ pip wheel --wheel-dir=$HOME/.wheelhouse lxml ... takes several minutes ...
     $ ls ~/.wheelhouse
     $ pip install --use-wheel --no-index --find-links=$HOME/.wheelhouse lxml ... takes less than a second!



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