Rails Multi Tenancy

Aaron McLeod

What is multitenancy?

Multitenancy refers to multiple organizations utilizing one application, but they have their own unique data store. 

Apartment Gem


  • Allows you to connect to the different databases when you want
  • Able to use rack middleware (subdomain for a db for example)
  • Allows you to create dbs very easily


  • New migration task on depoyments
  • Connection needs to be reset to root after request is done

The Code

Apartment::Database.create(db_name) # creates the new databaseApartment::Database.switch(db_name) # connects to itApartment::Database.switch          # connects to default db for current env
# tell apartment the db namesApartment.configure do |config| config.database_names = lambda { Client.pluck("db_name") } end
def api_key_check  Apartment::Database.switch  client = Client.find_by_api_key(params[:key)  if client.nil?    raise ActionController::RoutingError.new 'Not Found'  else    Apartment::Database.switch client.db_name  endend

What about encryption?


 class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
  before_create :populate_fields
  after_create :create_client_db

  attr_encrypted :name, :encryption_key, key: Settings.encryption_key  # ...end

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_encrypted :name, :description, key: proc { |project| encryption_key }

  class << self
    def encryption_key

    def encryption_key=(value)
      if @encryption_key.nil?
        @encryption_key = value

class Api::V1::ProjectsController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :api_key_check

  def create
    Project.encryption_key = @client.encryption_key
    @project = Project.create project_params  endend

Rails multi tenancy

By agmcleod

Rails multi tenancy

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